Registration is now closed.
Explanations are given below.
Please note that to be validated, the registration must be completed until the very end, including payment. Only online payment on the registration platform is accepted.
To proceed, follow this link: registration on Azur colloque
Deadline is 2018-05-28.
Please note that the dinner will be held on Thursday 28 evening.
Conference registration:
- Researchers: EUR 50
- Students (masters, PhD): EUR 20
Conference dinner:
- Researchers : EUR 40
- Students : EUR 20
Once on the page, follow the link “sign on” corresponding to the conference MAC2018, as on the screen capture below:

You will have to enter a couple of details about your affiliation and the registration. The hours of arrival and departure are not important and you can skip this part (illustration below).
Please use the “comments” field to indicate any constraint in your schedule (illustration below).

Concerning the price ranges, “academic” simply corresponds to “not student”.
In order to pay, you have to click on “paybox payment” in the corresponding page (see below).
It is only possible to pay by credit card.